Bimbo Battalion
Bimbos from Space: Allie
Lexi Harder
© 2019 Lexi Harder. All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction and all individuals depicted within are fully consenting adults.
H’Kakeh waves two tentacles in agitation. “Are you sure that this is going to work?”
Fiode Liathe, General of the First Division, tries to soothe the head of zes Science Division. They’ve had this conversation multiple times during the last few cycles. Ze knows that H’Kakeh is fully behind their plan, but the Zianthian is easily flustered, especially when politicians get involved.
“Calm yourself, our anthropology team did extensive research from earth sources depicting the most virile and masculine breeding studs. They find this form and thought process irresistible, and you know your team perfectly replicated what is required.”
“What if they didn’t get a large enough sample? The species is backwards enough that they still have paper records! The team only used what they could capture electronically.”
H’Kakeh shoves a tablet under Fiode’s eye stalks. “Look at this! There is no variety.”
It’s true that the images the anthropology team collected all showcase brawny males, buxom females, or a combination of the two, but to Fiode’s thinking that’s good. They only had to create one type of female to capture the males they need. It’s pointless to argue now anyway. The project is complete and will launch after today’s presentation.
“I’ve always said that anthropology is barely a science. If this project fails it won’t be because my science team is lacking. If anything we followed their directions too well. I still feel we shouldn’t have been so thorough in adjusting their intellect; they barely have the intelligence of a Barthak Maycat!”
“You designed the assistive AI that will guide them. They’ll be fine.”
“TIM is a masterpiece.” H’Kakeh puffs up with pride.
“Terra Integration Mentor, or TIM.”
Fiode manages to get H’kakeh distracted detailing the masterpiece that is his invention and passes them off to a long suffering assistant. With zes head of science soothed, General Liath moves on to checking on the mission team. The group is made up of some of the finest agents and officers the Greater Galactic Empire has to offer. They were originally a disparate group of species with appearances ranging from tall and scaly to tiny and feathery. After the transformation process they all could have come from the same egg mother. They’re shaped like the infinity symbol with full hips, slender waists, and massive mammaries. Their symmetrical features, bright eyes, and lustrous follicles make them the pinnacle of human reproductive evolution. Liath motions for an aid to continue watching the Battalion. Without close supervision they have a tendency to wander off.
Liath firmly adjusts zes uniform and strides out onto the stage. This speech is hugely important. Ze needs to reassure the politicians to encourage future funding. Equally important is keeping the First Family happy. To not do so ends careers —or worse. He steps up to the podium and gives a respectful bow towards the First Family’s representative before addressing the entire crowd.
“Assembled gentle-beings, as you all know a great crisis faces the empire. Despite the advantages our scientific advances in the area of reproduction have given us over the millennium, the unforeseen consequences have been severe. Discovering a way to increase births across the empire without requiring any of our citizens to bear the hardship of carrying such young themselves has been a true challenge. Our scientists have found a solution. A backwards but genetically diverse species near the outskirts of the empire have certain males that can be used to create a reproductive booster that will allow for the continued use of artificial birthing chambers. To collect the necessary specimens we have created a special force to go to Terra. Gathered from the best of the best these volunteers have made immense sacrifices for the good of the empire. Their loyalty should inspire us all. I present to you the Bimbo Battalion!”
The six members of the battalion wiggle, bounce, and sashay onto the stage to the polite applause of the assembly. One of the blond, pale ones —for the life of zem Liath can’t tell them apart except by follicle or skin color— waves a limb vigorously at the audience. Ze resists the urge to sigh. The battalion follows order well, but no one thought to prohibit limb waving. Ze lets the chatter die down before resuming zes speech.
“Today we launch the first step of Project Propagate. We appreciate your support, especially the blessing of the First Family and the continued funding from our esteemed Congress. Please join me in sending off our newest special forces team —once again the Bimbo Battalion!”
This time the applause is more enthusiastic. Liath salutes the crown before shepherding zes newest special forces group out of the hall. There is a huge amount of pressure to succeed, but ze has faith in zes scientists and the operatives ze personally chose. Of course there are uncertainties, the first time the volunteers went through the Terran Transformation they were given extensive briefings and tests on Terran customs, languages, and behaviors afterwards. Unfortunately information absorption and retention was low at best. In frustration the scientists had finally just programmed the necessary information into the transformation itself.
This battalion is composed of bimbos that have all been through the process twice. The second transformation had the side effect of increasing the range in which they were able to sense the pheromones of possible candidates, but it had the side effect of further lowering their intelligence. Liath had initially been opposed to running the volunteers through the process twice, but the truth is they simply don’t have the funding to code the transformation to new DNA sequences. It was an easy and therefore cheap fix to adjust an already established transformation sequence, but to start from scratch wasn’t in the budget.
If this first trip was even marginally successful that would all change. They would have nearly unlimited funding available to expand the program. As it was ze could only hope that the second transformation wouldn’t cause any mission compromising problems. Ze exhaled. The course is set. It’s in the power of the stars now.
Allie arches her back and sticks out her boobs. This new body is amazing. The mindset that comes with it is even better. All her worries and overthinking have disappeared. Walking out on stage makes her feel like a celebrity. The whole crowd is clapping for her and her friends. Allie wiggles happily. It is an enormous honor to be chosen for such a vital mission. She is so excited! She can’t wait to get started.
It’s hard to pay attention to General Liath’s parting instructions. Allie just wants to strip zem down and suck on zes double jointed toes. She loves her new brain, but the urges of this body will take some getting used to. All she really hears is “loyalty . . . great crisis . . . best efforts . . . blah blah blah.” She manages to wait until ze stops talking before she puts her hands on the beautiful mounds attached to her chest.
“Bunny, what are these called?”
Bunny grabs hers and squeezes.
Allie yells, “Tits!” And soon the whole group is standing in the prep room groping themselves and yelling, “Tits.”
“Bimbos! This is not the time or place. Suit up, you have a mission to begin.”
Chastised the battalion starts getting dressed. Getting into her jumpsuit is a lot more difficult than she expected. Her fellow bimbos are also jumping up and down and wiggling crazily to pull the jumpsuits over their full asses before starting the even harder fight to get them fastened over more than generous tits. When they’re dressed the general gives them their final orders.
“Battalion, climb into your cryogenic chambers. When you
wake you will be on Terra. TIM, your artificial intelligence, will pilot for you and be your guide when you arrive. ”
Allie vaguely remembers a time when setting off on a mission would have been much more intimidating. As she is now it’s just exciting. She climbs into her pod and drifts off with a dreamy smile on her face imagining all the Terran delights that await her.
“Attention Bimbos, craft designation Propagate has landed. Please do not attempt to leave your pod until it opens.”
Allie blinked. In seemingly no time at all she had arrived on Terra. She hears a thunk and a muffled “Ow.”
“Please remain in your pods until the door opens. The doors are transparent but tangible.”
Allie looks to her right and sees her neighbor rubbing their forehead. Poor thing, maybe she has a headache. When her pod door hisses open she jumps out starts walking. A few steps later she stops. She doesn’t know where she is going. Her fellow bimbos seem to have the same problem, and they mill around the small space until the voice from the walls tells them what to do.
“Ladies, please follow the lit path.”
The floor under their feet flashes blue, and one of the girls screams.
“Do not be alarmed. The lights cannot harm you.”
Allie looks around for the voice. Seeing no one she addresses the ceiling.
“Who are you? Why weren’t you in a cyro pod?”
“My designation is TIM. I am an artificial intelligence or AI and therefore do not require a cryogenic pod. I will be your guide throughout this process.”
Allie waves at the ceiling. TIM is so nice. She’s glad they have such a smart AI to help them. Allie happily follows the lights down a hallway and into a room lined with lockers.
“Find the locker with your name on it. A bag has been packed for each of you with Terran essentials. You have twenty-four hours Terran time to retrieve a specimen. I have placed the ship in an area full of Terran males. The communicator on your wrist will allow me to track you and give directions. Remember it is vital to blend in with the Terrans. When you have found and isolated an appropriate specimen I will give you further instructions.”
Allie looks at her wrist. That must be the communicator TIM was talking about. It’s pretty, all silver and shiny. She taps it with a manicured fingernail and then jumps when it beeps at her.
“As Allie has discovered you simply need to tap the top of your communicator to activate it. It is keyed to your DNA and cannot be operated by anyone else. Refrain from using the device unless you are alone.”
Chloe looks at the ceiling. “What if we don’t find a specimen?”
“You will return to the ship and try again at our next stop. I will move us to a new location after every collection period, and we will repeat collection protocols until we have retrieved 24 specimens. Now change and I will guide you to the exit.”
Allie struggles out of her black jumpsuit. Her Terran outfit is way easier to put on and comes with super pretty jewelry. She pulls on a skin tight skirt and a long-sleeved, silver, crop top. If she raises her hands she can see the rounded bottoms of her tits. The towering stiletto heels are nothing like she’s ever worn before, but she instinctively knows how to walk in them as well as how to best apply the cosmetics in her bag.
She gets distracted in front of the mirror. This body is so pretty. Her bright blue eyes; plump, pink lips; and button nose give her a look of youthful naivety. Her short stature only increases the impression. She finishes her examination of her features and applies her makeup. Finished with her makeup she slings the bag over her shoulder and checks her long, blond hair. Perfect. She waves at her fellow bimbos and follows the lights until she gets to the ship’s exit.
Leaving the shelter of the ship exposes her to the atmosphere, and Allie feels her body align towards the emission of male pheromones like a Zata hunting pog. Which is great because maps just don’t make sense to her and this way she just has to let instinct guide her. Hips swaying Allie sets off into the unknown.
TIM took them to somewhere super warm and the sun is directly overhead. It only takes a few minutes for Allie to decide that it’s too hot to wear a shirt. She takes it off and ties it around her waist. She soon hits a busy street and starts getting all sorts of attention. She waves enthusiastically as another Terran whistles. These people are all so nice! She’s been treated to whistles, honks, and a variety of creative compliments. She’s also learned that tits can be called boobs, bewbs, and honkers. She’s barely started her mission and she’s already learned so much.
Allie knows that the colored paper lets her buy stuff and she’s thirsty so she goes into the first bar she sees. She’s the only female in it, which is just the way she likes it. Less competition means an easier job, and Allie is nothing if not easy.
“Well, howdy, miss.”
“Let me buy you a drink.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet.”
The drink maker hands her a tall glass filled with a pink, fizzy liquid. She presses the cold glass against her nipple and squeals before repeating it on the other nipple. They peak immediately and she idly starts playing with one while she works on her drink. It’s sweet and she sucks on that straw like it’s a big, fat dick, hollowing her cheeks to get every last drop. When she finishes she looks around and sees everyone staring at her lust in their eyes and bulges in their pants. One man wearing a blue uniform comes up to her.
“Hi! I’m Allie.”
“Allie, I’m Officer Jones. I’m afraid I have to ask you to put your top back on.”
The crowd around her groans. A few men shoot ugly glares at Officer Jones. Allie pouts at the man.
“But, whhhhhhhy.”
“Ma’m, state law prohibit being topless in public.”
“But I’m not topless. I have a necklace on.”
“Sadly that doesn’t count as clothing. As much as everyone is enjoying the view if you’re in public you need to cover your breasts.”
Allie’s mouth and hands moved without any input from her brain. This new body is faster on the uptake than her brain is. She runs her hands up Officer Jones’ chest.
“But what if we found somewhere private? Could I keep my top off then?”
Officer Jones swallows and looks at her breasts. Allie preens. She wants to suck cock and then get another drink. Her built in pheromone detector tells her he’s not a candidate for Project Propagate but that just takes the pressure off her. She doesn’t have to convince him of anything. She turns to the guy who made her drink.
“Got anywhere private?”
“You can use our break room if you let me watch.”
“Sure,” Allie chirps.
Without another word drink guy grabs her hand and leads her down a hallway Officer Jones at her heels. He shows them to a small room with a couch and not much else. Allie drops to her knees and opens her mouth.
“Man if you don’t hurry up and stick your dick in her I will.”
Officer Jones fumbles with his clothing until his pants are around his knees and his dick springs free. It’s not a big dick, but Allie doesn’t particularly care. Her mouth is watering. She’s been part of the Bimbo Battalion for ages and this is her first chance to suck a real Terran dick. Officer Jones gently eases his dick past the “oh” of her mouth.
As soon as his dick hits her tongue Allie goes to town. The salty, male taste is so good. She sucks on the head before exploring the dripping tip with her tongue. She amuses herself by seeing how far down his dick she can get her bright pink lipstick, and easily makes it down to the base. Slurping and licking she works that dick like it’s the best meal of her life. She uses her hands to fondle his balls, rolling them in her hands and caressing them in time to the movements of her mouth.
She wants this to last forever, but only a couple of minutes into her exploration the dick in her mouth starts spurting its delicious load. She sucks down every last drop before licking his dick clean. Still on her knees she looks up through long ey
elashes and runs her tongue over her lips.
“Oh my god, that’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.”
Allie looks to her left and sees the drink maker furiously working his dick. She shuffles over on her knees.
“May I?”
“Oh god yes.”
His dick starts pulsing in her grip before she can get it to her mouth so she moves underneath the flow catching it in her mouth and against her breasts. She wiggles in delight at the taste. She shoves her enormous tits up to her mouth and is struggling to lick the last of his load off the top. Both men look like they’ve had a religious experience.
“Thanks boys! I’m going to go use your facilities. Can I get another pink drink?”
“It would be a pleasure. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left.”
One right and then retracing her steps and taking the left the second try Allie is checking under the stall doors to make sure she’s in an empty room. She taps her communicator.
“TIM, I’m having the most fun.”
“Have you made contact with any possible specimens.”
“Nope, but I made some nice contact with non-specimens.”
“Please remain focused. You have already used four hours.”
Four hours? It doesn’t seem like nearly that much time has passed. Time to speed up —as soon as she gets that pink drink of course. Another hour and three cosmos —yay she’s learned another new thing— she leaves the bar. This time she’s wearing her top.
Her inbuilt pheromone detector leads her on a merry chase as she makes circles in a nearby park before collapsing on a bench. Her boobs are heaving with every breath and she’s wondering how earth women move quickly with these things. She’s still contemplating her boobs when the object of her search jogs into view. He’s magnificent: tall, broad shouldered, impressively muscular, with a beautiful face. She bounces in place; so far he’s perfect, now on to the testing phase.